Hits: 2028

August 2019


3rd 3.00pm Chat-a-Cake (Hall)

4th 8.00am Holy Communion [Trinity 7]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Communion

7th 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

8th 2.00pm Longmeadow Service

11th 8.00am Holy Communion [Trinity 8]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Communion

14th 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

18th 8.00am Holy Communion (1662) [Trinity 9]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Service

20th 2.00pm Valley Lodge Service

21st 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

11.00am Lilybank Service

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)

23rd 2.00pm Darley Hall Service

25th 8.00am Holy Communion [Trinity 10]

10.00am Prayer Time (Lady Chapel)

10.45am Family Communion

6.30pm Evensong

28th 9.30am Holy Communion (1662) (Tansley)

1.00pm Wednesday at One (Lady Chapel)










Parish Giving Scheme


At a recent meeting the PCC of All Saints’ agreed to sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme following a presentation by David Meredith from the Diocesan Finance Department. Over the summer and autumn we will be contacting all those who give on a regular basis to the church, inviting them to consider joining the scheme.


Why are we promoting the PGS in our church?


The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) uses Direct Debits to provide us with a modern, convenient, elegant and secure method of making regular donations to our church. By using Direct Debits, the PGS offers us the

option automatically to increase our donations by inflation each year. This is a 21st century solution to offset one of the greatest problems of local church income – ‘static giving’. Also, we can remain anonymous if

we prefer. Although some of us may be wary of Direct Debits, they are protected by

the Direct Debit Guarantee which makes it a very safe system. More information is available at or (search for ‘direct debit’).


How does the PGS help our church?

When we have joined the PGS, the PGS collects money from our bank accounts on the 1st of each month, and the total collected is remitted to our church bank account on or before the 10th of each month. The PGS

also automatically reclaims any Gift Aid from HMRC and remits this to our church bank account as soon as it is received.


As more of us join the PGS, it will reduce the time our volunteers spend on managing our church finances. Donations made through the PGS are easier to reconcile than Standing Orders or cash (e.g., through envelope schemes). Gift Aid is received each month, improving cashflow. Furthermore, with the option for an annual inflationary increase in donations, income to our church increases year on year.


Who operates the Parish Giving Scheme?

The PGS was initially developed, operated and managed by the Diocese of Gloucester. Now seventeen Church of England dioceses actively participate in the PGS. With the backing of The Archbishops’ Council, the Scheme became a church-run not-for-profit company in 2014 (Registered Charity 1156606). With nearly ten years’ experience, the PGS is well ‘bedded in’. The Diocese of Derby pays the marginal costs of participating in the PGS. There is NO additional cost for our church to participate in the PGS.


What happens at the Offertory?

Those of us who have joined the PGS can use PGS tokens to place on the plate or in the collection bag at the Offertory. The PGS tokens enable us to participate in the Offertory.



Dear Friends,

August Message to follow

Every blessing
